

Ecopam is the specialised division of the company Planteles Lloveras, nurserymen since the 70’s, specialised in the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants.

The initiative arose in response to the demand for specific services for this type of crop, with the aim of helping to promote a sector that provides so many socio-economic and environmental benefits.

We offer for all those companies and professionals interested in the sector, organic seedlings of selected varieties for specific uses and final destination, and technical support in the choice of varieties, formats, monitoring of the seedlings, and general advice on crops and management.

ECOPAM: in numbers

Team of 35 people 40 years of experience in seedling production. 3 hectares of technified greenhouses. 100% use of renewable energies. Average annual production of 35,000,000 seedlings. 75,000 euros per year dedicated to innovation. More than 15 years creating agreements with universities and research centres. More than 15 years collaborating with projects and social entities in the area.


Logo agricultura eco
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